Life Centered Design
In our introduction we mentioned how all the current events happening are intertwined. We are all part of a bigger system or systems called life. In the ecosystems there is more than humans, we find nature, animals, the air we breathe… If we create an imbalance in this system, things start to shift. The perfect example is Covid-19.
This design concept is not new, but where we as designers used to focus on human centered design, we see now a movement to life-centered design. Jane Fulton Suri from IDEO was one of the first to talk about this.
Human centered design is no longer enough; we have to add system thinking to the mix.
Designers are not just considering the single human; they are designing for communities taking into account the systems & environment they live in.
Covid-19 has shown us that our individual actions have a big influence on the health of others. Less traveling in general: cleaner air, wearing a facemask: protects others against the virus.
What is happening?
Design moves from user-centered to community-centered.
People are more aware of the impact their individual actions have on the surroundings. They demand government & companies to acknowledge the impacts and come with circular and systemic solutions.
People are creating their own healthy & environmentally friendly bubbles and like-minded-communities.
People want to be more outdoors to breath clean air and be closer to nature.
Rural and compact living is growing. Living smaller means a smaller CO2 footprint.
People are exploring the interdependence between anti-racism, inclusivity and environmentalism because they realize more and more that everything is connected.
Slow travel and traveling close to home is becoming popular, which has a positive effect on bringing down CO2 emissions.
Self-sustainable small communities are on the rise.
Unbeaten Studio’s design challenges for Life Centered Design
“How can we design communal experiences instead of only single user ones, where both the community and it’s members thrive and learn from each other?”
“How can we help people live a more self-sustainable life? One the is more in balance with their surroundings?”
“How can we design better outdoor travel experiences & products to accompany you while travelling that minimize the pressure on nature?”
“How do we create circular systems that truly work, from which both people & planet benefit?