I cried over the Covid-19 crisis, maybe you should too
On Friday March 13 we quarantined ourselves, on Sunday March 15 the state of emergency was declared in Spain, on Wednesday I burst into tears. Why?
Twenty twenty was going to be our year. After two and half years of hard work, we finally were seeing an increase in clients in both businesses we started early 2018, when we moved to Spain. And this year we would reap the benefits, I felt it. And then ………. total lockdown because of an invisible enemy that is taking over the world. Every time I think about the situation it’s like a sci-fi movie is dictating our lives.
Suddenly everyone had to work at home, but the ratrace at home or/ online continued. We seem to become more active and pro-active behind our screens and thus on social media. As if it will just pass by and then life continues like normal.
F^*K NO! I realised last Wednesday that nothing will be the same again. Never. After we have mourned over all thousands or millions of lost lives and our health care system slowly gathers itself together we will live in a different world. I realized it is time to slow down a bit or a lot and let that feeling sink in. It was then i felt my tears coming and with a little encouragement of Marce they came out.
The crying felt like a relief. It was more clear to me now. For the moment our lives are slowing down, we work from home, which we have done more or less the last 2 years already. But we work with more focus & clarity. The work gets more meaning.
I don’t feel less happy or more unhappy, we are resilient and adaptive. This are definitely emotional times, in which I feel a stronger social connection with my loved ones, my clients and fellow designers.
If you feel emotionally charged, let those tears run. It is ok.
If you’d like to read more about grief in these time, because that is what I am actually writing about. I can recommend reading this HBR article
Author: Jeroen Spoelstra
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When there was no Covid-19 and you could roam freely